Intentional Marriage Mentorship

Every marriage has 100% chance of success when done God's way. Below you will find the 10 week Marriage Mentorship Process
where you and your spouse can walk through personal healing, communication and other common marriage struggles.


Meeting with designated IM Mentors
To get started, we want to know more about you and your marriage.  Please fill out this Marriage Mentorship Application so we can get to know you a little better and figure out a good time to meet. Upon submitting your application, you will be sent an important email confirmation with all of the following information steps and links you will need for this mentorship.


Register for our 4-Part Freedom Series
Individual healing is important in the pursuit of a healthy marriage and the TWC Freedom Classes are a powerful first step.  The Freedom Classes are not about how to get rid of thoughts, habits or addictions, but rather about the freedom we are called to walk in as believers!  Regardless where you are in your walk with God, these classes are a MUST.  You can register here.


Begin the Marriage on the Rock Series
When you filled out the Marriage Mentorship Application, you were emailed a link and password to the 10 Part-Marriage on the Rock Series. We recommend watching one video per week (at least) with your spouse and talking about it after. These foundational videos will give you powerful marital tools that you NEED to have a healthy and thriving marriage.


Join a Community Group
Having a supportive community is a game changer not only for individuals, but for marriages too!  We know it can be weird if you're not used to community, but trust us - community isn't something you can live without.  You can find more info and join one of the TWC Community Groups.


Take the Love Language Assessment
Did you know that there are different love languages?  If you have a different love language than your spouse, there is probably conflict in your marriage. For example, let's pretend you bring a gift home for your spouse but they later complain that they "need more time with you." You think, "I JUST brought you a gift! Now you want MORE?"  Because you speak a different love language than your spouse, you're missing each other. In this pretend scenario, your love language is probably gifts and your spouse's is quality time. Knowing your spouse's love language will solve so many misunderstandings and hurt feelings!  This is a CRUCIAL step to help your marriage.
Take the free test here.


Follow Up Mentorship Meeting
After you and your spouse have complete the tasks above, we are confident that you will be refreshed and equipped with new tools of communication to use in your marriage. However, we still want to meet to debrief and fine-tune any remaining issue(s).
Let your mentor couple know you've completed the steps and we will get a meeting scheduled.